>>>Usuhan Korean Language Center is an educational institution that has been continuously publishing pre-examination question papers, Ushuhan Model Questions Practice Book and Ushuhan Basic Text Books for the convenience and success of Korean language trainees for a long time. Just as a strong foundation is needed to build a strong home, it is important to acquire knowledge of all aspects through appropriate textbooks to pass the Korean government's language test. Introducing the UKLC UBT TEST app to change the timings as well as modify the UBT/CBT Exam system, Ushuhan Model Questions Practice Book, Mock Test set Practice Book, Ushuhan New Grammar apps Books, Topik I & II Practice and Ushuhan Basic Text Books. We hope and believe that the app will prove to be a gift. In the present app, this institute has been publishing exam question papers and text materials for a long time, so we have modified it more powerfully, so we hope to reach all the examinees easily through this app. All content in the UKLC UBT TEST app is based on the EPS language test administered by the Korean government. The UKLC UBT TEST app is the result of the hard work of many instructors. The organization aims to make the content of the app available to the Korean language trainees at a minimal cost, targeting vulnerable and low-income Korean language trainees. We hope that all trainees and new trainees who have repeatedly failed the Korean language test in the past will find it extremely fruitful to understand and practice. This app will fully support not only Korean language trainees but also students going to study in Korea, taking the TOPIK-I exam. Also, since all the materials in this app are the own experience and hard work of the trainers, we humbly request everyone not to misuse it. If anyone is found to have done so, we would like to inform that action will be taken according to the prevailing international law. Respect the hard work of others. Inspire to do better.


Ushuhan Korean Language Center

Instructor : Mr. Bharat Kumar Pathak

Senior Faculty : Bishnu Pathak

Senior Faculty : Ashok Rokaya

Senior Faculty : Birat Bhudhathoki

Address : Sallaghari, Bhaktapur, Nepal.

Office Mobile No. : 6AM to 6PM

Ntc : 9862366336, Ncell : 9803427212

Facebook Group : EPS Tapaiko Sathi

Facebook Page : Ushuhan Korean Book

Viber/ E-Sewa/ Khalti/ Whats App No. :
